I stumbled upon this Curbed blog post wherein the editors raided the archives of House Beautiful to showcase décor of homes past. And what a sight this is! If HGTV traveled back in time and was challenged to design a home that is “a colorful place to sing, play, dance, listen and view” for the Brady Bunch kids, this would be it. Check out Maija Isola’s iconic Unikko pattern adorning a piano in this “stylishly unpretentious” home. At the height of the ‘flower power’ era, this is quite fitting.
This apartment was featured in the September 1973 issue and was the essence of contemporary living at the time. I’ve seen Marimekko reupholstered chairs, wall hangings and shower curtains, but the piano trumps all in my book for now. And it’s not just the piano. The bench and wall are also covered in the famous poppy print.
I’d have to say the Marimekko piano wall definitely made a statement. A big statement. And just think, at almost 40 years later, the Unikko print is still relevant. Have you seen the Unikko pattern used creatively or unusually? Share your sightings with us!